
Setting up a Fortran Environment


Installing Qt Creator with Fortran compiler

Installing Qt Creator extensions for Fortran


To be able to compile fortran code on macOS you need a fortran compiler. The easiest way to get this is to install the Homebrew packaging system. MacPorts also works, but they install to different paths.

Installing required packages (Homebrew)

Installation of Homebrew can be found at (Links to an external site.)

To install the required packages for this course, open a terminal in macOS and enter the following commands:

brew install gcc
brew install gdb
brew install cmake
brew cask install qt-creator
brew install wget

Installing Qt Creator

Qt Creator can be downloaded and installed from:

Installing the Qt Creator Fortran extensions

To use Fortran in Qt Creator some extra extensions must be installed. Instructions for this is found here:

Configuring Qt Creator for Fortran

To be able to use the Fortran compiler in Qt Creator it has to be configured to find the compiler, debugger and CMake. Open the preferences i Qt Creator as shown below:

Qt Creator preferences

In the preferences select the Kits section. Make sure the Desktop kit is the default and has the settings as shown in the figure below:

Qt Creator kit selection.

Creating a Fortran project in Qt Creator To create a new Fortran project i Qt Creator, select File/New file or Project in the menu. The following dialog is shown:

Qt Creator Fortran project.

From the Projects section select Non-Qt Project and Plain Fortran Application. Continue by clicking Choose…

Give you project a name as shown in the figure below:

Qt Creator Fortran project.

Make sure the build system is CMake.

Qt Creator Fortran project.

Select the Desktop kit, which we configured earlier.

Qt Creator Fortran project.

Click Done in the next section.

Qt Creator Fortran project.

If everything works the Qt Creator should look like the following figure:

Qt Creator Fortran project.

Run the project by clicking on the play button (lower left corner).


Installing Fortran compiler


sudo dnf install gcc-gfortran

Debian/Ubuntu (Windows WSL):

sudo apt-get install gfortran

Installing CMake


sudo dnf install cmake

Debian/Ubuntu (Windows WSL):

sudo apt-get install cmake

Installing Qt Creator

Qt Creator can be downloaded and installed from:

Running Fortran code

All aspects of using Fortran is covered in the book Modern Fortran in Science and Technology: