Fortran exercises

Assignments can be found in the Fortran book at the following link:

Please provide working programs when possible for the assignments. Hand-ins indicated in bold and with a star (*).

Variables and data types

Exercises: 1-1, 1-2*, 1-3*, 1-4

Arrays and matrices

Exercsies 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5*, 2-6, 2-7*, 2-8, 2-9*, 2-10.

Conditional and repetitive statements

Exercsies 3-1*, 3-2*, 4-1*

Builtin functions

Exercises 5-1*, 5-2*, 5-3*

Program units and subroutines

Exercies 6-1*, 6-2*, 6-3*.

Input and output

Exercises 7-1*, 7-2*, 7-3*.

String manipulation

Exercies 8-1*, 8-2*.